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Thomas|TSR's Guestbook

Leigh BMay 28, 2020

Hi, Thomas! I visit TSR every single week; it's the only Sims site I pay for. I wanted to give you some feedback on the new layout. I love the larger pictures! It's easier to click through them rather than scroll, but I like having the option of looking more closely below. (I do not miss the auto-slideshow at all! :-) ) I use the "Also From This Category" feature all the time, but if I have to scroll down so far, I'm not likely to comment. (I think the artists deserve and enjoy hearing that we love their work.) If you could move the comment box above those, or even under the "Continue Reading" tab, that would be awesome. Thank you for continually working to make this site so amazing! I love it! \:wub\:

Songbird7420May 2, 2020

I can't believe I joined again and still have the same problem, no pics show on all your stairs and when I download something & apply it to my basket it acts like it is working, then I go to the basket and nothing is there. I want the Chrissy modular stairs again I wasted $4.00, I'm just glad I didn't signup for more time.

pizazzDec 29, 2019

Hi Thomas, have a question about advertising with TSR. but want to ask it personally and not in guest book. couldn't locate which Thomas you were in private messages. can you contact me please. Thannks

SheraoiFeb 10, 2015

Your Sims 3 Halloween contact lenses are my favorite eyes to use on my Sims! Very beautifully done. Thank you so much for your creations! \:wub\:

lulejojoJan 28, 2015

Just dropping by to guve a big thank's for being a part of this website, and making it amazing for all Simheads! \:\)\:wub\: -Luuluu02

DOTDec 23, 2014

☆Happy Holidays☆ Thomas to you and yours \:wub\:

PinkzombiecupcakesSep 30, 2014

Thank you so much for fixing my submission page!have a great week!

PinkzombiecupcakesSep 28, 2014

I also tried with chrome and mozilla but still the 413 error

PinkzombiecupcakesSep 28, 2014

Hello !I wonder if you can help me,everytime i try to upload a package file ,a new creation for the sims 4 I get the 413 request entity too large error,I cleared all cache and cookies but I still get the same error ,can you help me please???thank you in advance!

dhardenFeb 14, 2014

Is there a problem with the Forums? When I try to access them, I am told "this account has been suspended". However, other aspects of my account seem to be working normally.

timi72Dec 31, 2013

\:\) Happy New Year, Thomas!!! \:\) \:cool\: \:wub\: \:rah\:

pizazzDec 23, 2013

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. May your home be filled with joy for the holidays and throughout the new year! \:wub\:

pizazzNov 29, 2013

Hiya Thomas, yes, I know.. it"s me again LOL. was trying to upload a creation but it's not completing the action. I can browse for the file, then press the upload button, agree to terms and then nothing happens. Hope you can help. Love all the site changes! looks amazing!

pizazzNov 15, 2013

Hi Thomas, Im sorry to bother you. But I've sent in a support ticket but when I go to check for a resolve, it shows "No support issues found." ?? the problem I'm having is that I'm a VIP member (after my account was rolled over to extend my subscription to the new free tsr) But I'm getting ad's everywhere.. I should be getting any ads. They are even in the are of where I submit items. Can you please help or point me in the right direction of where to go and have this fixed please

pizazzNov 5, 2013

Hi Thomas, There seems to be an issue with the xml file for the upgraded version of workshop. And the current version has the 3d models shown only in skin tone color and runs together with the mesh. And I cant hardly stand it! I've submitted something today and I'm already having a fit to get started on something new. lol! Hope to have that fixed soon so we all can upload creations! Thanks! \:\)

anders82Oct 22, 2013

hello it is so me and my girlfriend we can not upload to TSR we gets allways SQLSTATE [23000] and [42000] and integrity_constraint_violation:1062 and syntax error 1064 all the time please fix

Me_And_YouOct 22, 2013

I have trouble to upload my creations to this page i got only messages like this SQLSTATE [23000] and [42000]integrity_constarint violation 1062 and syntax error 1064 please fix it

padreSep 10, 2013

hey x

SimMermaidAug 30, 2013

Hello I'd like to know what became of TSR's Merlin? All links to it are dead ends and is no longer available on the site it seems. Is there an updated program to replace it?

Bby-LJun 18, 2013

Hello.. I want to asked something.. My comment notification won't down even no new comment there. Can you help me with this please. Thanks before. \:\(

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